Friday, 28 September 2018

Production of cast iron: The essence of the process of obtaining cast iron

Cast iron is an alloy of iron with carbon, containing more than 2% C. The ore freed from gangue is a chemical compound of metal with other elements. In order to obtain the metal from the ore, it is necessary to carry out certain chemical reactions. At the same time, the elements connected to the metal are affected by substances having a lower affinity with it than with other elements.

Since in iron ores iron is usually in combination with oxygen, it is necessary to carry out regenerative processes to produce this metal. In its pure form, iron in technology is used in very small quantities. In general, only in the engineering industry, alloys of iron and carbon are required. One such alloy is cast iron.The Iron Work Burnaby offers best cast iron works.

Blast furnace

Cast iron from iron ore is produced in blast furnaces. These furnaces have the form of towers (shaft furnaces). The inner parts of the blast furnace are laid with refractory fireclay bricks.

Shihta, i.e., ore, fuel and flux, is fed from the hopper by a lift 1 into the backfilling apparatus of the top 2, from where it enters the internal cavity of the furnace. The furnace has a shaft 4, a vapor 5, shoulder 8,and a hearth 9, the bottom of which is called a bream. The output of molten iron is produced through a hole - a cast iron tap, above which there is a slag tap, through which liquid slag is discharged.

The air necessary for the production of cast iron is blown under pressure in the preheated state (up to 1200 ° C) into the lances 7 (12-18 pieces), passing along the annular pipe 6 located above [the air pressure at the tuyeres to 350 kn / m2 (3 , 5 kg / cm 2 )]. Blast furnace gas is discharged through pipes 3 to purification devices, since it is further used as fuel for the needs of blast furnace production and other purposes at the Iron Work Delta factories.